


保护组织资产的重要性, 品牌, 抵御网络威胁的声誉怎么强调都不为过, 俗话说:“预防总是比治疗便宜。”, 但如果最坏的情况已经发生了呢?

This month we are focusing on Incident Response, which is often shortened to IR 和 is a part of 事件管理. 我们正在深入研究IR服务, 以及为什么所有组织都需要获得IR专业知识和支持. Discover how to contain 和 put out the fires that cyber incidents inevitably create with practical strategies for strengthening your organisation’s cyber safety net.


Incident response is a structured approach to addressing 和 managing the immediate aftermath of a cyber attack or data breach. 事件响应过程通常涉及包括检测在内的各个阶段, 容器, 根除, 修复, 复苏, 吸取教训.

乔纳森希望, Sophos的高级技术传道者, joins the 10 Steps to Cyber Security Series for a deep dive into incident management 和 how organisations can better prepare for cyber incidents.


Incident response retainer services offer organisations proactive support 和 expertise in h和ling cyber incidents effectively. These retainer services provide organisations with access to a team of dedicated cyber security professionals who can rapidly respond to incidents when needed. 这些专家进行法医调查, 妥协的评估, 以及其他关键任务,以尽量减少潜在的损害和减轻风险. 另外, 他们可能会为处理放射性尘埃和媒体对事件的报道提供指导, ensuring that organisations maintain transparency 和 effectively manage public perception.

While incident response retainers may initially seem like an additional expense burdening already stringent budgets, 它们的价值怎么强调都不为过. 事实上, investing in an incident response retainer can potentially save organisations from incurring staggering costs in the aftermath of a cyber attack.

现实情况是,网络威胁正变得越来越复杂和普遍, 让它不再是如果的问题, 但是,当, 一个组织将面临网络事件. When such incidents occur, the financial 和 reputational consequences can be devastating. 与停机时间相关的成本, 数据丢失, 并努力恢复对品牌声誉和客户信任造成的损害, 网络攻击的后果可能非常严重.

此外,正如我们在 减少你的网络保险费博客, having an incident response retainer in place can also demonstrate to cyber insurance providers that the organisation is taking proactive steps to manage 和 mitigate cyber risks, 可能导致保险费降低. 在本质上, 事件响应保留器是一个至关重要的安全网, 面对不断变化的网络威胁,提供安心和财务保护.

Fail to Prepare; Prepare to Fail

Real-world incidents serve as poignant reminders of the critical importance of robust incident response capabilities. 以2017年对马士基臭名昭著的NotPetya网络攻击为例. 详情见The Daily Swig, this incident underscored the need for resilience 和 preparedness in mitigating the impact of cyber threats.

此外, insights from Ship Technology shed light on the vulnerabilities exposed by the Maersk cyber-attack. A study by Futurenautics revealed that 44% of ship operators at the time did not believe that their companies’ cyber security defence capabilities were sufficient enough to repel cyber-attacks, 39%的人在过去12个月里遭受过网络攻击. These findings emphasised the urgent need for under-prepared industries to fortify their cyber security posture 和 adapt to the ever-changing threat l和scape.

不仅仅是海运业需要全行业的支持, 事件响应准备. 就在马士基号事件的同一年, the infamous WannaCry ransomware attack wreaked havoc on various organisations around the world, 特别是国民保健服务(NHS). “想哭”攻击利用了过时软件系统的漏洞, 导致NHS服务大范围中断, 包括取消的约会, 推迟了手术, 也损害了病人的护理. 根据英国国家医疗服务体系在事件发生后的一份“经验教训”报告, 这次袭击导致英格兰三分之一的医院信托服务中断, 236个信托中有80个受影响.

A recent report conducted by Pheonix Software 和 the National Housing Federation (NHF) titled “The State of Cyber Security in Housing 2023’ found that just 4% of UK housing associations feel sector is fully prepared for ransomware attack.

并不是只有特定的行业准备不足, 研究发现,在美国接受调查的组织中,有73%的人认为.S., EMEA和APAC国家在2022年遭受了勒索软件攻击, 38%的人不止一次被攻击. (来源:美通社).

Facing a rapidly changing threat l和scape; Ransomware attacks becoming more advanced 和 frequent, 人工智能在网络攻击中的出现, 地缘政治紧张局势和对国家基础设施威胁的日益担忧, organisations across all sectors must take proactive steps to enhance their incident response capabilities. 这类活动 红色的合作渗透测试 offer valuable opportunities for organisations to test 和 refine their incident response procedures through simulated scenarios, 确保做好准备,有效减轻网络攻击.

利用专门的事件响应服务, 从Sophos这样的供应商那里, can provide organisations with expert guidance 和 support in navigating cyber incidents. 通过投资于全面的事件响应解决方案, 定期修订事件应变计划, 并积极参加训练和演习, organisations can bolster their resilience against cyber threats 和 minimise the potential impact of security incidents.



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CyberLab is a specialist cyber security company that provides a wide range of security solutions 和 services. 您的一站式网络安全顾问, 赛博实验室团队配备了合适的技术, 知识, 以及帮助各种规模企业的专业知识, 包括大型公共部门组织.通过利用世界一流的技术, 数十年的经验, 以及我们的供应商伙伴关系, 我们在英国帮助保护了数千家组织. 我们独特的探测, 保护, 支持 approach makes us the perfect partner to review 和 reinforce your cyber security defences.  "a great place to work a great place to be a customer"The CyberLab team are proud to help protect over 1000 of the UK’s blue-chip enterprise businesses, 政府部门, 还有家喻户晓的名字.We have helped organisations of all shapes 和 sizes to improve their cyber security:"With continued support from CyberLab we are able to ensure our solutions are always fit for purpose.——安德鲁·卓别林, IT基础设施, Spicerhaart “Having usedOur customers rate us as Excellent on TrustPilot CyberLab before in a previous Head of IT role, 我毫不犹豫地再次邀请他们协助我们解决安全问题. 简单地说,如果它们不能始终如一地提供价值,我就不会使用它们.——NHS信托的IT主管“网络实验室总是在那里提供帮助. Being able to pick up the phone or email 和 have access to a dedicated account manager who is always there to assist provides excellent value for us.——西蒙·霍布德尔, 技术组长, 白金汉郡议会网络实验室, 一家专业的网络安全公司,合并了国际象棋网络安全公司, Armadillo Sec 和 Cyberlab ConsultingOur HistorySince the acquisition of Foursys in 2017, 国际象棋已经踏上了成为网络安全强国的征程. In 2021, 15 of the UK’s top Penetration Test experts joined the company through the acquisition of Armadillo Sec. In 2023, Chess收购了Cyberlab Consulting, a specialist cyber security consultancy that provides a range of compliance 和 managed security services, 包括网络安全即服务(CSaaS)平台.2023年5月, 国际象棋网络安全独立于国际象棋信息通信技术, bringing all of our cyber security operations under the CyberLab banner – 一家专业的网络安全公司,合并了国际象棋网络安全公司, 犰狳证券公司和网络实验室咨询公司合二为一, 为所有英国商业安全需求提供一站式服务.


CyberLab is a specialist cyber security company that provides a wide range of security solutions 和 services. 您的一站式网络安全顾问, 赛博实验室团队配备了合适的技术, 知识, 以及帮助各种规模企业的专业知识, 包括大型公共部门组织.通过利用世界一流的技术, 数十年的经验, 以及我们的供应商伙伴关系, 我们在英国帮助保护了数千家组织. 我们独特的探测, 保护, 支持 approach makes us the perfect partner to review 和 reinforce your cyber security defences.  "a great place to work a great place to be a customer"The CyberLab team are proud to help protect over 1000 of the UK’s blue-chip enterprise businesses, 政府部门, 还有家喻户晓的名字.We have helped organisations of all shapes 和 sizes to improve their cyber security:"With continued support from CyberLab we are able to ensure our solutions are always fit for purpose.——安德鲁·卓别林, IT基础设施, Spicerhaart “Having usedOur customers rate us as Excellent on TrustPilot CyberLab before in a previous Head of IT role, 我毫不犹豫地再次邀请他们协助我们解决安全问题. 简单地说,如果它们不能始终如一地提供价值,我就不会使用它们.——NHS信托的IT主管“网络实验室总是在那里提供帮助. Being able to pick up the phone or email 和 have access to a dedicated account manager who is always there to assist provides excellent value for us.——西蒙·霍布德尔, 技术组长, 白金汉郡议会网络实验室, 一家专业的网络安全公司,合并了国际象棋网络安全公司, Armadillo Sec 和 Cyberlab ConsultingOur HistorySince the acquisition of Foursys in 2017, 国际象棋已经踏上了成为网络安全强国的征程. In 2021, 15 of the UK’s top Penetration Test experts joined the company through the acquisition of Armadillo Sec. In 2023, Chess收购了Cyberlab Consulting, a specialist cyber security consultancy that provides a range of compliance 和 managed security services, 包括网络安全即服务(CSaaS)平台.2023年5月, 国际象棋网络安全独立于国际象棋信息通信技术, bringing all of our cyber security operations under the CyberLab banner – 一家专业的网络安全公司,合并了国际象棋网络安全公司, 犰狳证券公司和网络实验室咨询公司合二为一, 为所有英国商业安全需求提供一站式服务.


